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Fandom is populated by barely functional beings for whom gaming is their entire existence (J Wallis)

Grog d'Or 2024

This year again, a roleplaying game was awarded the most covetted prize from outer space : the Grog d'Or. Every month, the Grog offered a game of the month, elected amongst other topical roleplaying games. To celebrate its 24st birthday, the whole crew voted to award one of these games the Grog d'Or for the best rpg in 2024.

Nominees were:

and here are the results:

City of Mist

reçoit le Grog d'Or 2024

Thoan arrive en seconde place et reçoit le Grog d'Argent.

(Dessin de David Lihard)

A word from the Komrade President on this list

Once again, it has been very difficult to choose between this year finalists, each with its own qualities that would be difficult to compare with those of the other.

The first one, Thoan, Thoan, has definitely convinced thanks to its very flexible mechanics, which are particularly quick to pick up, and its sci-fi setting, which makes possible to play very high level characters. It offers adventures with planetary, even cosmic, stakes, and its atmosphere is sometimes reminiscent of StarGate, were SG-1 have had powers similar to the Goa'Uld. Suffice to say that the effect on the table is immediate, secunded by the ease of access of the Abstract Dungeon system, which has found here a setting even more fitting that its initial genre. In the eyes of the GRoG team, it allowed this rich universe to flourish, making it eager to grow more, in a campaign worthy of God-Men.

The other, City of Mistshowcased its undeniable originality and tight mechanics. It has taken the best of FATE and Apocalypse turning it into something different. Of course, there's also the very distinct atmosphere, a mix between Noir fiction and superheroes. The setting is deeper than it seems, allowing our world's normalcy to exist alongside mythical imaginary worlds from all horizons, and the symbols coming with them. With this game, Son of Oak and Barbu Inc. let us update and explore once again the immense substratum represented by folk tales and legends, without losing their meaning or going overboard. And that's the strength of the revisited Traits use, bringing together the essence of the character, just waiting to be explored to allow for more evolution.

With a choice between crossing a portal to worlds where they can immediately taste the power of the Gods, or building a metropolis where they can explore the human condition and its imagination, the GRoG shipmen have chosen to keep their feet on the ground and lose themselves in the mists of City of Mist.