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Je demande qu'on sorte des jeux de rôles convenus et des scénarios écrits d'avance (N. Sarkozy)

Grog d'Or 2014

This year again, a roleplaying game was awarded the most covetted prize from outer space : the Grog d'Or. Every month, the Grog offered a game of the month, elected amongst other topical roleplaying games. To celebrate its 14th birthday, the whole crew voted to award one of these games the Grog d'Or for the best rpg in 2014.

Nominees were:

and here are the results:

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire

received the Grog d'Or 2014

Oltree! got 2nd place and received the Grog d'Argent.

(Dessin de David Lihard)

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